With CRPTM, you can quickly calculate your HitBTC taxes and create accurate tax documents to submit to your tax authorities. Tax reporting is definitely made easy and simple with CRPTM fully supporting HitBTC. It’s just like taking a walk in the park!
With CRPTM, you can quickly calculate your HitBTC taxes and create accurate tax documents to submit to your tax authorities. Tax reporting is definitely made easy and simple with CRPTM fully supporting HitBTC. It’s just like taking a walk in the park!
HitBTC is a global trading platform that has been providing markets for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Namecoin, and more since 2013. The HitBTC platform is designed for experienced traders and provides a wide range of features and tools.
CRPTM connects to HitBTC through an API to make tax reporting for your cryptocurrency simple and easy. CRPTM then becomes your ideal HitBTC tax tool once it is linked. How? CRPTM will calculate your HitBTC taxes based on where you live and prepare your EOFY tax report in just a few minutes. What's more, all you have to do at tax time is download a copy of your tax statement from CRPTM and submit it to your local tax authority office- and you're done!
Tada! Your HitBTC account is now added to CRPTM
Sync time may take a few minutes if you send CRPTM data via API integration, especially if you have a lot of transactions. Once your data has synced, you'll see it in the “My Accounts" section.