Filing your Bitfinex crypto tax report has never been easier than with CRPTM. Integrate via API, calculate your Bitfinex transaction tax liability with ease, monitor your trading assets and portfolio history, much more!
Filing your Bitfinex crypto tax report has never been easier than with CRPTM. Integrate via API, calculate your Bitfinex transaction tax liability with ease, monitor your trading assets and portfolio history, much more!
Bitfinex is a prominent cryptocurrency exchange for advanced traders who want to execute huge transactions with a variety of digital assets and several trading alternatives, including lending and margin trades. It was incorporated and is run by iFinex Inc, which is based in the British Virgin Islands. It is renowned for its low prices, which is an advantage. It supports a wide range of cryptocurrency products and trading choices, including spot trading, derivatives, paper trading, margin accounts, and many others.
CRPTM connects to Bitfinex through an API to make tax reporting for your cryptocurrency simple and easy. CRPTM then becomes your ideal Bitfinex tax tool once it is linked. How? CRPTM will calculate your Bitfinex taxes based on where you live and prepare your EOFY tax report in just a few minutes. What's more, all you have to do at tax time is download a copy of your tax statement from CRPTM and submit it to your local tax authority office- you're done!
All set! Your Bitfinex account is now connected to CRPTM!
Sync time may take a few minutes if you send CRPTM data via API integration, especially if you have a lot of transactions. Once your data has synced, you’ll see it in the “My Accounts” section.