We're here to untangle the numbers and make your tax season a breeze!
Bitbns tax calculator and report generator

Connect Bitbns To CRPTM

Simplify your Bitbns Tax Calculation & Report Generation

With CRPTM, calculating your taxes from Bitbns is simple and easy so you can focus on more important things. Just enter your information and let us do the rest - generate a one-click accurate BItbns tax report in a breeze.

With CRPTM, calculating your taxes from Bitbns is simple and easy so you can focus on more important things. Just enter your information and let us do the rest - generate a one-click accurate BItbns tax report in a breeze.

A Bit About Bitbns

Bitbns is a part of Buyhatke Internet Pvt. Ltd. - the parent organisation, which was incorporated in 2015. With 393+ cryptocurrencies listed at present, Bitbns allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies at best available prices and offers ease of trading like no other cryptocurrency exchange. With a mission to "Make Crypto Currency Easy", Bitbns has built a global cryptocurrency exchange keeping India at the centre. The platform currently serves more than 1,20,000 happy customers and counting!

The Bitbns team is passionate about bringing cryptocurrencies to mainstream adoption. The core team members have worked with some of the biggest tech companies in the world including Amazon, Flipkart and Microsoft. With its proprietary trading engine, Bitbns is all set to disrupt the existing cryptocurrency exchanges.

Bitbns is a popular cryptocurrency trading platform that you can use to integrate all your Bitbns transactions with CRPTM. Once done, generate accurate crypto tax reports without any additional effort on your part.

How to extract my transactions from Bitbns for tax calculation and portfolio management?

CRPTM connects to Bitbns through an API to make tax reporting for your cryptocurrency simple and easy. CRPTM then becomes your ideal Bitbns tax tool once it is linked. How? CRPTM will calculate your Bitbns taxes based on where you live and prepare your EOFY tax report in just a few minutes. What's more, all you have to do at tax time is download a copy of your tax statement from CRPTM and submit it to your local tax authority office- and you're done!

How do you get your API Keys on Bitbns?

  1. Login to your Bitfinex account
  2. Head over to More at the top navigation bar of the page and click on “API Trading” option
  3. Click on “Get New Keys”
  4. Select “Read Only” from the prompt and click on “Create New Key”
  5. Copy the API Key and API Secret and save them with you

How to integrate Bitbns to CRPTM via API?

  1. Login to your CRPTM account
  2. Head over to the “Account” section at the top navigation bar of the page.
  3. Click on “Add Account” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Type “Bitbns” in the “Add Account” search field or select “Bitbns” from the list of exchanges mentioned below it.
  5. Enter or Paste the new API Key Secret onto the Secret Key box section
  6. Click on “Connect Account”
import bitbns account through api
import bitfinex account mobile

How to integrate Bitbns to CRPTM via CSV?

You can also add your transactions from Bitbns in CRPTM through a CSV file import. CRPTM allows you to directly import the transactions from exchange provided CSV file. the All you need to do is download the CSV file from Bitbns that has all your data and upload it onto CRPTM.

You can also upload the transactions in the CRPTM supported format. Refer to this blog on how to convert the data in CRPTM CSV format.

Once integrated, CRPTM becomes the perfect Bitbns tax tool after they are linked. CRPTM offers a simple way to pay your Bitbns taxes- we take care of the calculations based on your location and generate your tax report so all you need to do is download it and send your tax report to your local tax authority. In just a few minutes, you'll be taken care of for tax season!

import bitbns account through csv import bitbns account through csv

How to add the transactions Manually?

If you don't have many transactions, or the methods above won't work for you, CRPTM's web interface lets you add them manually to your portfolio.

CRPTM works with Bitbns seamlessly.

CRPTM allows you to sync your Bitbns transaction data in a few minutes. You can import all of your past Bitbns transactions via a CSV file, and once the syncing process is complete, you'll be able to see them in CRPTM. Thanks to CRPTM's integration with multiple exchanges, you can now manage all of your cryptocurrency transactions from a single platform. This makes it very easy to calculate and generate cryptocurrency tax reports like a breeze.

Here’s some good to know information for you.

If you're sending CRPTM data via CSV file import, it might take a few minutes for the syncing process to complete. Once it's done, you'll be able to see your transaction data in the "My Accounts'' section. Ensure the accuracy of your Bitbns transactions by comparing the ones in your CRPTM portfolio to those in your account history on the Bitbns website. If any differences exist, don't hesitate to reach out so we can help clarify things for you.

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